Wolfgang Astleitner <mrwastl_-AT-_users_-DOT-_sourceforge_-DOT-_net> * Maintenance, API, programming, developing Contributors: Jeroen Domburg <jeroen_-AT-_sprite_-DOT-_student_-DOT-_utwente_-DOT-_nl> * PCF8511 support (Nokia 5310, 6310) Abhishek Dutta <thelinuxmaniac_-AT-_gmail_-DOT-_com> * S1D15G10 support (Nokia 6100, and other Nokia with 132x132 displays) Frank 'fen' Enderle <fen_-AT-_init-6_-DOT-_org> * alphacool support jopka_-AT-_kvidex_-DOT-_ru * 4DOLED-282815: contribution + additional tests MAF * serdisplib server * remote driver * lirc extensions * ks0108 GPI/GPO extensions (receiving of IR commands) Annotation: email-addresses are scrambled to fool robots. To descramble an address simply replace '_-AT-_' through '@' and '_-DOT-_' through '.'