Some examples

A short, but complete example to give a first impression:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "serdisplib/serdisp.h" /* include all important header files */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char sdcdev[] = "/dev/parport0"; /* use parallel port */
/*char sdcdev[] = "/dev/ttyS0";*/ /* use serial port */
char dispname[] = "PCD8544"; /* display name */
serdisp_CONN_t* sdcd;
serdisp_t* dd = 0;
int i;
/* opening the output device */
sdcd = SDCONN_open(sdcdev);
if (sdcd == (serdisp_CONN_t*)0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s, additional info: %s\n", sdcdev, sd_geterrormsg());
exit (1);
/* opening and initialising the display */
dd = serdisp_init(sdcd, dispname, "");
if (!dd) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening display %s, additional info: %s\n", dispname, sd_geterrormsg());
/* turning on backlight */
serdisp_setoption(dd, "BACKLIGHT", SD_OPTION_YES);
/* clearing the display */
/* draw a border (only internal display buffer is affected!!) */
for (i = 0; i < serdisp_getwidth(dd); i++) {
serdisp_setsdcol(dd, i, 0, SD_COL_BLACK);
serdisp_setsdcol(dd, i, serdisp_getheight(dd)-1, SD_COL_BLACK);
for (i = 1; i < serdisp_getheight(dd)-1; i++) {
serdisp_setsdcol(dd, 0, i, SD_COL_BLACK);
serdisp_setsdcol(dd, serdisp_getwidth(dd)-1, i, SD_COL_BLACK);
/* commit changes -> update the display using the internal display buffer */
/* wait 30 seconds */
/* shutdown display and release device*/

Open display, draw something, and exit without clearing the display:

/* initialising, a.s.o.: see example above */
/* draw something */
/* commit changes -> update the display using the internal display buffer */
/* release display without switching it off / clearing it */

Open display as in example 1, but use default identifier function:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "serdisplib/serdisp.h" /* include all important header files */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char* sdcdev = 0;
char dispname[] = "PCD8544"; /* display name */
serdisp_CONN_t* sdcd;
serdisp_t* dd = 0;
/* some initialisation code */
/* opening the output device */
if ( ! (sdcdev && strlen(sdcdev) > 0 ) ) {
/* if sdcdev is empty: use default device identifier for this display */
sdcdev = (char*) serdisp_defaultdevice(dispname);
sdcd = SDCONN_open( sdcdev );
if (sdcd == (serdisp_CONN_t*)0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s, additional info: %s\n", sdcdev, sd_geterrormsg());
exit (1);
/* opening and initialising the display */
dd = serdisp_init(sdcd, dispname, "");
if (!dd) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening display %s, additional info: %s\n", dispname, sd_geterrormsg());
/* do some stuff */
/* shutdown display and release device*/